10 Tips To Grow A Long Beard And Mustache
“How do I make my beard look like yours?” That is one of the most often asked questions. Take a look at my friend Adam Barraclough’s latest article “How Long.” People want to know how to grow a long beard and moustache when we’re at a trade show, a bearded race, or just out for dinner.
Although this post is mainly intended for anyone who wishes to develop a long beard and mustache, all of the tips are applicable to everyone developing facial hair.
I’ve been growing my own beard for a little more than four years and have learned a lot along the way, but I’m still looking for new tips and tricks. I recently read an interview with a self-proclaimed “beard specialist” who said that trimming your beard and moustache once a week is essential for growing a long beard and moustache. I figured it was poor advice, so I wanted to offer it of my own. You can’t change your genetics, but you can regulate about every other part of growing out your beard and mustache.
Don’t shave your beard.
This was clear to me, but obviously, not everyone agrees. If your job and partnership permit, you can avoid trimming everything, even your collar and cheek lines. You can always cut later; the first goal should be to grow out as far as possible in order to create a solid beard foundation and see what you’re dealing with at your most acceptable natural growth.
Train your mustache rather than trimming it.
Trimming the mustache is a rookie error that many guys, including myself, make. It’s safe to believe that shortening the middle and then leaving the ends of the mustache long to style a pseudo-handlebar is appropriate, and if that works for you, fine. However, if you want to develop an authentic long mustache, invest in some mustache wax and begin training it early to keep it out of your lips. Again, it’s all about having the most entire development and laying the groundwork for a long, thick mustache.
Start using beard oil and Beard Dry Oil as soon as possible.
Beard product use is determined by the appearance of facial hair rather than the length of the beard. Start taking care of yours early, and you’ll be glad you did. The best way to achieve your full growth potential is to keep your beard well conditioned and cared for.
Create your own total treatment regimen as soon as possible.
Create a schedule that fits you and follow it every day. Personally, I wash my beard every morning, apply beard oil (usually Wisdom) after showering, and apply Beard Dry Oil (also Wisdom) at night. Both applications are preceded by an extensive brushing. Your own routine can vary, but choose one and make it your own.
Any day, brush and/or comb your beard.
Many men will find strange twists or curves in their hair pattern as their beards grow out, and a regular brushing combined with the use of Beard Dry Oil will help teach the hairs to lay the way you like, maintaining an even beard that needs no trimming. Many people even find that as their beard grows in length and weight, these curves smooth out.
Keep an eye on the surroundings.
The more your beard and mustache grow, the more likely they are to get entangled in a coat zipper, burned by an errant cigarette, or sunk in broth as you lean too far forward when feeding. Take note of the subtle improvements that occur as your facial hair grows longer.
Assess the beard on its own merits, not on the merits of the beards around you.
Facial hair develops at varying speeds and in changing patterns. Just because yours isn’t rising as quickly as a friend’s doesn’t mean it won’t catch up or even outgrow it one day.
Please be careful.
As previously stated, Facial hair grows at a rate of around half an inch every month on average, and almost everyone has times where their beard and mustache don’t appear to be growing. It happens; what you have to do is prepare for it. Similarly, there will be moments when it seems to rise two inches in a month. Celebrate the good days, but don’t dwell on the worse.
Determine the right way to eat when wearing your mustache and mustache.
Check out another recent entry, Top 5 Tips For Eating With A Moustache, for more helpful information. Multiple hairs can be pulled out by careless chewing, and several external objects that come into contact with your beard (including food) can dry it out and harm the hairs.
Keep track of your success.
Keep track of how the beard is doing by measuring it or actually taking a selfie every month (do it in the same shirt every time for the best results). With time, you’ll begin to see growth trends and also if those seasons have a positive or negative impact on your beard. This experience would allow you to be less concerned when it seems that it is not growing.
Growing a long beard and moustache is a marathon, and no marathon champion became one overnight. Put forth the effort to take care of your beard, and you will get the most acceptable beard possible.